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Page history last edited by Nicolas Cynober 17 years, 1 month ago

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2. Research


  1. Web history: past and future 80%
    1. Functionaly: How the web has been used ? 
    2. Technicaly: How the web has been built ?
    3. A taste of what the web will be
  2. Social web and new mass media: web 2.0 features 80%
    1. Web is social: many-to-many
    2. Web is social: we create profiles
    3. Web is social: profiles are linked
    4. Mass media means multi-media
    5. Mass media means multi-devices
    6. Vertical portals are open
    7. User interface
    8. Accessibility
    9. Trust
    10. Business model
    11. Web 2.0 technologies
    12. Other information relative to vertical portals
  3. Vertical portals : analysis and comparaison 80%
    1. Horizontal portals
    2. Verticality and niches
    3. Analyse
    4. Summary table


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